"The Curious Zoo of Extraordinary Animals" comic series for Bhamla Lab at Georgia Tech University - recipient of The National Academies' 2023 Eric and Wendy Schmidt Award for Excellence in Science Communication.
"[Bhamla's] comic-based content is educationally rich yet lighthearted, visually engaging, and entertaining. It's evident that he possesses a unique talent for transforming challenging concepts into digestible narratives."
Comic describing the paper ‘A unified model for the dynamics of ATP-independent ultrafast contraction' by Floyd, Molines, Lei, Honts, Chang, Elting, Vaikuntanathan, Dinner, Bhamla, PNAS (2023). Comic co-written by Rik Worth with science consultation by Jon Perry.
Comic describing the paper ‘The origin of blinking in both mudskippers and tetrapods is linked to life on land’ by Aiello, Bhamla, Gau, Morris, Bomar, da Cunha, Fu, Laws, Minoguchi, Sripathi, Washington, Wong, Shubin, Sponberg, Stewart, PNAS (2023).
Comic describing the paper ‘Ultrafast reversible self-assembly of living tangled matter’ by Patil, Tuazon, Kaufman, Chakrabortty, Qin, Dunkel, Bhamla, Science (2023)
Featured in Nautilus.
Comic describing the paper ‘Droplet superpropulsion in an energetically constrained insect’ by Challita, Sehgal, Krugner, Bhamla, Nature Communications (2023). Comic co-written with Rik Worth.
Featured in Nautilus.
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