Comics created as part of the Bobcat Comics series in collaboration with researchers from the University of California Merced's Center for the Humanities.
How to Read an Aztec "Comic"
A 6-page comic exploring Mesoamerican scholar Felicia Rhapsody Lopez' research into deciphering ancient manuscripts from Central Mexico, and how colonial interpretations have limited our understanding of ancient Indigenous people. Based on Dr. Lopez' article "Women, Childbirth, and the Sticky Tamales: Nahua Rhetoric and Worldview in the Glyphic Codex Borgia." (2022)
Mayahuel's Mysterious Maguey

A 6-page comic collaboration with Dr. Felicia Lopez exploring the story of Mesoamerican "deity" Mayahue and her relationship to the maguey plant, and Indigenous conceptions of women and mothers (2023).
Unruly Women & Failed Patriarchs

A 2-page comic in collaboration with historian Prof. Susan Amussen exploring the paradoxes and Catch-22s of the patriarchal structure in Early Modern England (2023).
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